Pages read this week: 270
Pages read this semester: 1570
Weekly Style: Fan Fiction
The 'Hassassin' leaks out the news of first cardinal's death to the BBC correspondent in Vatican, Gunther Glick, who is there to report the conclave. He and his camerawoman record the footage of the dead body of the first cardinal. The second cardinal is found dead in the St. Peter's Square. Olivetti, Langdon and Vittoria go to save the third cardinal. Olivetti is killed while trying to catch th 'Hassassin' who kidnaps Vittoria to satisfyhis sexual hunger. Robert barely survives death in the process, but the third cardinal is burnt to death. Camerlengo disrupts the conclave at 10 p.m. and reveals the threat to Vatican through BBC by condemning science. Robert, on the other hand, figures out the place of fourth murder, where he gets distracted and again miraculously survives death on the hands of Hassassin. The fourth cardinal dies also. The search of Vatican was not yielding anything. Robert Langdon, meanwhile, figures out Hassassin's hiding place where he finds a tunnel to Vatican. The 'Hassassin' is killed by Vittoria and Langdon. They reach the Vatican through tunnel and think that Kohler is the 'Illuminati' guy about whom 'Hassassin' told them. They disrupt Camerlengo and Kohler's meeting. The Camerlengo is found branded with an 'Illuminati' diamond with Kohler holding a gun. Kohler and Captain Rocher, who was accused by the Camerlengo to be an 'Illuminati' are guned down. Kohler gives Langdon a camcorder and asks him to give it to the media. A crowd of thousands outside the Vatican and on TVs are horrified when the Camerlengo "receives a message" from the God which rveals to him the hiding place of antimatter canister. The Camerlengo takes the canister and get into the helicopter. Langdon also joins him. They start their flight towards the sky zt 11:57 p.m. Langdon is stupified when the Camerlengo locks the cansiter in a box, takes the parachute out and jumps from the chopper two minutes later. Langdon jumps too using a peace of tarp. The antimatter blast almost blinded everyone, byt no harm was caused. People are taken aback when Camerlengo is discovered on the roof of the Vatican. Langdon manages to fall into river Tiber and is treated at a hospital. He listens to the conversation in the camcorder after regaining consciousness. The conclave is about to choose Ventresca when Langdon and Vittoria, through the camcorder footage shot by Kohler, reveal that Camerlengo Ventresca had plannned to deify himself by saving 'Vatican' from destruction. He killed the Pope, who was later found to be his biological father, four cardinals, Leonardo Vettra and devised the whole plot. Ventresca gives a speech against the new innovations of science, their questioning of God, and the destruction caused by it. However, he is completely shaken when 'The Great Elector' Cardinal Severio Mortati reveals that the late Pope was Ventresca's real father and he was born using a new scientific way. He committs suicide by burning himself. The Vatican decided not to reveal the truth, to which Langdon and Vittoria agree. Mortati is elected as the new Pope; and he gifts Langdon with the 'Illuminati Diamond.' The novel ends with Vittoria and Robert in a hotel room.
This is a story of early 1930s when Italy was under Mussolini ruled over Italy with an iron hand. Leonardo Vettra was a political activist who was working underground to topple the brutal regime of Mussolini. He was a government official, but he was trying to gather support for his clandestine plan. He was against the social and economic policies of Mussolini. He was in contact with the British secret services. They sent Robert Langdon as an undercover agent to Italy. Robert went there as a news correspondent. When he went to meet Leonardo Vettra, he fell in love with his daughter, Vittoria. Love at first sight. However, Vittoria did not seem to show any interest in Robert at firs, but slowly she began to change her behavior. . Her father was a bit reluctant about Robert since he was an Englishman, but Robert had no wrong intentions. . Also, she was unaware of her father’s plans. Another Italian official, Carlo Ventresca, was one of the most faithful persons of Mussolini, and was also interested in Vittoria. Somehow, he got the wind of Vettra’s suspicious activities. He started preparing to catch Leonardo red handed. And one night, the police along with Carlo Ventresca started for Leonardo’s house which was on the hillside. When Leonardo saw his house surrounded from all but one sides, he made Vittoria tun away along with Robert to Leonardo’s confident Severio Mortati. Leonardo blew himself up when the cops approached in order to prevent any kind of revelations from his house. Ventresca and frantic Italian authorities began a widespread search for Vittoria. After facing many odds and surviving the Police many times, Vittoria fled Italy along with Robert. They reached England where after assurances from Robert, Vittoria was granted a refugee status. They got married soon after that and lived a happy life.